
Interactive Installation

in collaboration with:

Every time we remember a memory it is decompressed, only to then be re-stored differently; forever modifying the content of the original memory. Through space, sound, and light, Reminiscent-2 explores how we can create an experience out of the events kept in the recent memory of an audience.

Memories can be recorded in audio by speaking into the microphone. Immediately after, the recording will begin looping and change gradually on every loop; just as we distort our memories on every nostalgic act. In a beginning the repeated audio will be very similar to the original memory but will slowly become something completely different.

Blinking lights in the installation signal the presence of a new stored memory, and light color and brightness will change in synchrony with sound as the distortion cycle progresses.

We invite the audience to share their memories, thoughts, expressions, and sounds with us. None of the words communicated are stored beyond the immediacy of interaction.

Reminiscent-2 was exhibited at Ars Electronica 2021 Garden London on September 10, 2021.

Reminiscent-2: Master Drawing

Architectural representation of Reminiscent-2 installation. Perspective view, top view, and elevations. The drawing reveals 3 different sphere platforms where each microphone controls an independent sound and light stage.

Reminiscent-2: Sound Concept

A recorded sound is looped again and again, gradually losing a piece of the original recording on every cycle; always a piece from the beginning and the end of the original sample. The recording is then further altered by randomly reversing small excerpts of the original recording, modifying sound through looping transformative decay.

Sound decomposes until music is created with the original sound sample. Through machine learning, artificially created musical notes tranpose the pitch of the remaining sample to play music.  There is no instrument assigned to the resulting melody; the remaining fragmented words and voice of the user become the source of a new sound.