
Interactive Media

Beatflow is an interactive music visualizer. An audiovisual performance where one can modify the flow of music. Users can speed up or speed down audio, as well as intensify or decrease the sound sensitivity values to dramatically alter presented visuals. Stretch, bend, and move graphics by moving the mouse position on the canvas. The platform has the ability to interact with 6 pre-selected tracks, each with a predefined visual that may evolve
through chosen parameters in the user interface.

Black user interface includes a button to play, pause, and stop the music. Clicking on the “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, or “5” buttons begin music interaction. Each button option presents a different song with a unique visual.

In the grey user interface, the “imageBackgroundOptions” dropdown menu allows users to switch between three different background images. Using the “imageFilter” dropdown menu enables users to toggle between four different image filters to modify present background. The “blend” and “mix” image filters respond to the mouse position on the canvas. Activating the frequency meter displays the frequency level of bass and high mid ranges embedded in the music.